Thursday 28 December 2017

Bloomberg's pessimists guide

Found this interesting and worrying , but not because it is pessimistic.

The thing I note about these scenarios is they are all political/economic concerns.  Those are not the ones that worry me.  Yes they are bad, yes they hurt, but they are survivable, recoverable at a collective level at least.  It is the stuff not even on the radar of Bloomberg here that are the most troubling. You know the stuff: food security, eco systems collapse.

So there you have it  - guidance on how to profit from induced human misery while ignoring  the real crises.  They are so far down the rabbit hole they have forgotten  there is a world of light and life beyond the confines of the financial warren.  All the time they are down there burrowing away they undermine those  real world structures .  Madness...

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